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Henley Spinal Immobilization Device

The MOST effective single system spinal immobilization device used in field care today...
Head/Neck Immobilization
Our unique patented Head Stabilization Device is built into the spine board. Unlike other
"strap on" devices which allow room for human error, our head system is the first positive locking head device used for emergency care. The two adjustable head pads slide into the track which is part of the spine board. Assisted by two velcro straps, our system prevents lateral movement, lateral rotation and flexation of the head and neck.
Body Stabilization
Our Henley Ring Snap Straps are the first straps to offer a swivel-ring which allows you to inter-connect three straps into a single strapping system. This system is not only changeable to meet the patient's injuries but provides more stabilization then other straps currently being used today.
With the recently implemented bloodborne standards, many individuals and organizations are concerned about contamination and decontamination. However, since the bloodborne standard was written with the emphasis on personal protection, personal decontamination and reporting practices, very little has been done to address equipment decontamination.
Recent published tests, which were conducted outside of the Emergency Medical Field, have shown several new aspects which may be applied to the contamination and de-contamination of equipment. Studies and tests have shown that natural wood has exhibited antibacterial properties not found in plastic. Tests have also shown that bacteria left overnight in contact with wood could not be recovered, regardless of type or temperature. On plastic however, the same bacteria was determined to survive colder temperatures and actually multiply at room temperature. Also, cleaning with detergent and hot water generally removed bacteria regardless whether the wood was new or used.
Henley Board, Inc. also offers a complete recondition program for any of our products. If your board cannot be reconditioned we also offer a trade-in policy of your old board or any old boards toward the purchase of a new Spine Board.
Henley Backboards with Spinal Imobilization
16" Modified Henley Board S.I.D.- Item# HB-1010- Price: $249.00*
18" Modified Henley Board S.I.D.- Item# HB-1011- Price: $267.00*
Stokes-style Modified Henley Board S.I.D.- Item# HB-1012- Price: $249.00*
Delaware-style Modified Henley Board S.I.D.- Item# HB-1014- Price: $249.00*
Long Standard Backboards
16" Standard Henley Backboard with Pins & Runners- Item# HB-1030- Price: $91.00*
16" Standard Henley Backboard with Runners only- Item# HB-1030A- Price: $84.00*
Click here for picture of 16" Standard Backboard
Stokes-tapered Standard Henley Backboard with Pins & Runners- Item# HB-1031- Price: $91.00*
Stokes-tapered Standard Henley Backboard with Runners only- Item# HB-1031A- Price: $84.00*
Click here for picture of Stokes-tapered Standard Backboard
18" Standard Henley Backboard with Pins & Runners- Item# HB-1032- Price: $101.00*
18" Standard Henley Backboard with Runners only- Item# HB-1032A- Price: $94.00*
Delaware-style Standard Henley Backboard with Pins & Runners- Item# HB-1039- Price: $91.00*
Delaware-style Standard Henley Backboard with Runners only- Item# HB-1039A- Price: $84.00*
Click here for picture of Delaware-style Standard Backboard
Short Backboards
16" Short Standard Henley Backboard with Pins only- Item# HB-1034- Price: $39.00*
16" Short Standard Henley Backboard plain, without Pins- Item# HB-1034A- Price: $35.00*
18" Short Standard Henley Backboard with Pins only- Item# HB-1035- Price: $44.00*
18" Short Standard Henley Backboard plain, without Pins- Item# HB-1035A- Price: $40.00*
Specialty Backboards
Henley Mass-Casualty Disaster Backboard (set of 3)- Item# HB-1037- Price: $155.00* (set of 3)
Backboard Accessories
Henley Ring-Snap Straps (set of 3),- Item# HB-1040- Price: $42.00* (set of 3)
9' standard straps with cam-type buckle (set of 4)- Item# HB-1044- Price: $37.00* (set of 4)
Henley Accessories Bag (to contain S.I.D accessories)- Item# HB-1050- Price: $44.00*
Replacement Parts for Henley Backboards
* All prices are Henley Board, Inc. MSRP, contact us for quantity discounts.
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