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EMS/Medical Supplies: Training

Brad Training Manikin, - Item# SM-1100B- Price: $205.00
Kevin Infant Manikin, - Item# SM-1102B- Price: $295.00
Kyle Child Manikin, - Item# SM-1102C- Price: $295.00
I.V. Training Arm, - Item# CM-1103- Price: $215.00
Anatomical Charts, 20"x26" Heavy Stock Paper- Item# AC-1104 Price: $9.50
Anatomical Charts, 20"x26" Flexible Lamination- Item# AC-1105 Price: $17.95
Chart choices:
Worlds Best Anatomical Charts, 11"x14" Book Form- Item# AC-1106 Price: $26.95
Systems and Structures, 11"x14" Book Form- Item# AC-1107 Price: $24.95
Diseases and Disorder, 11"x14" Book Form- Item# AC-1108 Price: $29.50
My First Skeleton, 16-1/2" tall, with stand- Item# AC-1109 Price: $22.95
Mr. Thrifty Skeleton, 33-1/2" tall, with stand- Item# AC-1110 Price: $51.95
Budget Bucky Skeleton, 5'6" tall, with stand- Item# AC-1111 Price: $279.95
Life-size Heart Model, 10"x4"x4"- Item# AC-1112 Price: $29.95
EMS Field Guide, Basic and Intermediate Version- Item# IM-1120 Price: $21.25
EMS Field Guide, ALS Version- Item# IM-1121 Price: $21.25
Fire & Rescue Field Guide, Basic and Intermediate Version- Item# IM-1122 Price: $21.25
Emergency Critical Care Field Guide, ACLS Version- Item# IM-1123 Price: $21.25
Nurses Pocket Guide- Item# IM-1124 Price: $24.25
Law Enforcement Field Guide- Item# IM-1125 Price: $21.25
Homeland Security Field Guide, ACLS Version- Item# IM-1126 Price: $21.25
NICMS Field Guide, ACLS Version- Item# IM-1127 Price: $21.25
Home Emergency Field Guide, - Item# IM-1128 Price: $15.95

Additional Anatomical Charts and Models available. Please call for more information.

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